Don’t Let the Pandemic Enter Your Life–choose Rasayana

Don’t Let the Pandemic Enter Your Life–choose Rasayana

Rasayana is one of the best treatments in Ayurveda. Rasayana is useful to prevent diseases and improve immunity against them.

Dr. Abhilasha Singh
November, 03 2022

Recently, with the outbreak of Covid-19, we got aware of the lacuna in our healthcare system, and it also gave us a reality check as to how our sedentary lifestyle is affecting us to fall prey to ever-occurring new ailments.

History has witnessed a number of pandemics such as Cholera, Plague, Smallpox, and Influenza.

Among them, the Spanish Flu was the most devastating, up until the most recent one, being the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) virus.

It causes respiratory syndrome including fever, cough, fatigue, myalgia, and dyspnea.

Nearly 5000 years ago, Ayurveda had already mentioned what happens when a pandemic breaks out. Acharyas have called this phenomenon as Janapadodhwansa.

Acharya Charaka explains Vayu (Air), Jal (Water), Desh (Land), and Kaal (Time) are important factors for creating Janpadodhwansh (Pandemic).

All four manifestations of nature may therefore open the door to pandemic/epidemic.

A Pandemic as we know means the rapid spread of diseases to a large number of people in the world within a short period of time.

Janpadodhwansh as a concept explains the phenomenon of how people with dissimilar body constitutions, food, etc are affected in commonality during an epidemic/pandemic.

Although they are severe, not everybody dies during an epidemic. Those who have undergone special treatment are spared.

These are followed by Rasayana treatment and the administration of plant preparations which should have been made ready with the first climatic and environmental warning of an epidemic.

Acharyas explain that how Rasayana therapy is particularly helpful in managing such disorders where immunity and infection play a central role.

Rasayana increase essence of each dhatu starting from Rasa. Taking rasayana will be helpful to the person to keep away from communicable diseases.

According to Acharyas, Rasayana (Rejuvenant therapy) ensures prolonged lifespan, youthfulness, good health, fine voice and complexion, stoutness, intellect, power of retention, and strength.

Since the outbreak of Covid-19, people have realized the importance of “Prevention before Cure.” They have taken a believable step towards Ayurveda.

They have incorporated Ayurveda into their lives by starting regular use of Chyawanprash, Guduchi, Amalaki, etc.

Along with the preventive aspect, Rasayana therapy is also used in the management of diseases like Covid-19.

Some routine drugs are used as Rasayana in Covid-19 where Pranvaha Strotas is involved-

  1. Agastya Rasayana
  2. Dashmoola Haritiki Avleha
  3. Chyawanprasha
  4. Pippali Rasayana
  5. Guduchi - It inhibits lipid per oxidation, superoxide, and hydroxyl radicals.
  6. Amalaki - Strengthen defense mechanism against free radical.
  7. Haritaki-Cell-mediated immune response is stimulated
  8. Ashwagandha - Free Radicals scavenging activity
  9. Tulasi - Strengthens the immune response enhancing by both cellular and humoral immunity, show anti-inflammatory action.
  10. Brahmi - Exhibits anti-stress activity.
  11. Vacha-Potent Antioxidant by inhibition of free radical.
  12. Neem shows immune modulatory effect.
  13. Yogasana, Pranayam, Suryanamaskar daily.

Apart from this, the concept of Achara Rasayana needs to be followed to prevent the destabilization of air, water, land, and time, which brings about a pandemic.

The root cause of this upheaval is mentioned as unrighteousness or sin, or unjust actions of previous life, both of which can be traced back to imprudent conduct.

Achara Rasayana as a concept involves following the path of truthfulness, freedom from anger, lust & addictions, amiable speech, cleanliness, charity, worship of Gods, cows, Brahmanas, preceptor, and elders, love, and fellow feeling, constant vigilance, self-control, reverence, for scriptures and turning the senses towards spirituality.

In conclusion, Ayurveda as a concept should be followed in order to avoid such a devastating impact in the future.

For humankind to thrive and prosper these concepts have always proved to be impactful since ages.

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