Ayurvedic Management of Psoriasis

Ayurvedic Management of Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a type of skin illness. In Ayurveda, Psoriasis and many other skin-related illnesses can be cured with standard therapies.

Bhagwan Gopalghare
February, 24 2023

In every culture around the globe, a stigma exists surrounding skin illnesses.

Skin is the body's outermost organ and an integral aspect of our identities.

And not just that, it also reflects the overall health of a person like a mirror.

As a result, when discoloured patches start to grow on our skin, we unintentionally become aware of them and feel anxious.

Basically, any skin condition is not a result of immediate causes but is the effect of long-term lifestyle mischiefs like poor diet, inactivity, and stress.

Ayurveda possesses a stronghold against such skin ailments. Among the wide spectrum of these ailments, psoriasis is seen most commonly.

And because it usually spreads all over the body, the treatment seems imminent for a sufferer.

In this chronic, physically, and psychologically irritating disease, Ayurveda can provide great relief.

Ayurveda is not just a cure but also prevents other complications like arthritis which may rise in the future.

How does Ayurveda Help Manage Psoriasis?

Kithibha, the Ayurvedic term for psoriasis, is said to be brought on by either unresolved trauma or blood poisons.

Factors like prolonged stress and an unhealthy diet may also influence psoriasis.

According to Ayurveda, psoriasis may manifest because of imbalances in Pitta and Vata dosh.

Pitta dosh is responsible for the burning feeling, inflammation, and itching, while Vata dosh is responsible for discomfort and scaling.

Since the symptoms and triggers of psoriasis are unique to each patient, Ayurveda recommends targeted and individual approaches in therapies to treat the root cause of the problem.

Some of the standard therapies in Ayurveda for psoriasis include Shodhana Chikitsa i.e., detoxification, Shamana Chikitsa i.e., internal medications and Rasayana Chikitsa i.e., immune-modulatory medicines.

Foods You Should Avoid

What you eat can pacify or aggravate the symptoms of psoriasis.

Therefore, avoiding sour and spicy foods is recommended as they can worsen skin irritation and itching.

Get less salt in your diet and stay away from processed foods with preservatives.

Even if you are slightly allergic to nuts, avoid eating them altogether with psoriasis.

What to Eat?

Anything that is not acidic is suitable for managing psoriasis triggers.

Try to incorporate more alkaline foods into your diet, such as asparagus, carrots, beans, and fresh aloe vera juice, to name a few.

Although dairy products are not recommended for psoriasis patients, buttermilk is an exception.

Topical & Edible Remedies

Psoriasis can be treated both internally and externally.

Here are some of the topical and edible home remedies you can use to manage the symptoms of psoriasis.

  • Take a warm Epsom salt bath to relieve itching.
  • Increased intake of omega-3 fatty acid foods - flaxseed, nuts, and soy.
  • Prepare a paste of neem leaves and consume it daily for blood purification. It may also help boost immunity.
  • Increase the quantity of turmeric in your meals; it may help with inflammation.
  • Moisturize your skin twice daily using a cold-pressed coconut and olive oil blend.
  • Include stress-relieving activities in your daily routine like pranayama, meditation, and yoga.
  • Soak up the sun to get your daily dose of vitamin D.


Edited by – Vd. Neelesh Patil

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