Key Ingredients

Karpur ,Vacha, Musta, Bhunimb, Devdaru, Haridra, Ativisha, Daruharidra, Pippalimool, Chitrakmool, Trivrutta,Danti, Tejapatra, Dalchini, Ela, Vanshlochan, Dhanayak, Haritaki, Amalaki, Bibhitak, Chavya, Vidanga, Gajapippali, Suvarnmakshik bhasm, Shunthi, Pippali, Marich,Yavkshar. Sajjikshar, Saindhav Lavan, Bidlavan, Sauvarchal lavan, Lohabhasm, Sita / Khadisakhar, Shuddha Shilajatu, Shuddha Guggul


Beneficial For Urinary Track Infection, Menstural DIsorder Diabetes, PCOS & Kidney Stone.

How to Use

1-2 tablets, twice a day or as directed by the physician.

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1-2 tablets, twice a day or as directed by the physician.

Quantity : 1

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