Key Ingredients

Guduchi, Tulsi, Kantakari, Haridra, Lemon Grass, Marich, Vasa, Lavang, Twak, Sunthi, Vacha, Ela, Pippali, Yashti


Rich In Antioxidants, Minerals & Vitamins, Boost Immunity, Improves Digestion, Enhance metabolism, prevents Respiratory Diseases & Allergies

How to Use

Boil 50ml of water for 3-4mins. Take 1/4th teaspoon of herbal tea powder and mix it in the boiling water for another 2mins. Your Herbal Tea is ready!

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Rich In Antioxidants, Minerals & Vitamins, Boost Immunity, Improves Digestion, Enhance metabolism, prevents Respiratory Diseases & Allergies

Quantity : 1

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