Key Ingredients

Kukkutand Twak Bhasma, Shigru, Arjun, Ashwagandha, Laksha, Haritaki, Dinka, Yawa, Guduchi, Babbul twak


Natural Calcium Supplement, Stimulates Height Growth, Useful in Calcium Deficiency during Pregnancy, Lactation & Menopause, Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis, Non-healing Fractures, Hair Fall & Premature Graying of Hair

How to Use

1-2 tablets, twice or thrice in a day

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Natural Calcium Supplement, Stimulates Height Growth, Useful in Calcium Deficiency during Pregnancy, Lactation & Menopause, Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis, Non-healing Fractures, Hair Fall & Premature Graying of Hair.

Quantity : 1

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